Sunday, October 28, 2007

KL - Putrajaya work assignment 24th - 26th October

back row (from left): crazyfisherman & mangrooveDan
seated (from left): kurau king & ktang

on the menu at the seafood restaurant in Klang, steamed mud crabs

also on the menu at the seafood restaurant are, deep fried whitings

these weren't on the menu. :-(

the famous tackle shop. one more month before it closes indefinitely

kurau king and crazyfisherman, deep in discussion

the three stooges (from left): crazyfisherman, ktang & mangrooveDan

ubob fiddling with a reel while ktang & kurau king looks on

the legendary ubob and my cuppa teh tarik

this contraption hadn't reach the shores of Sarawak. it's called the TOWER and it holds 2 jug osf beer

from 24th - 26th october, i was on work assignment to Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. i took the opportunity to meet up with some of my university mates (university of portsmouth) and also some MFN members whom i have considered friends. the following are the self explainatory pictures.

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